
I am all bitched out about the crappy week I had last week. Our class started clinicals last week and it sucked. I thought I would really like it too. But things seem to be getting better this week. I gave my first shot.....I am sorry ...injection today. Really didn't hurt that much at all. Hahah.
A month from now I will be at the farm with the boys. Doing projects and rebuilds in the shop, which means getting dirty. Woo hoo. And spending a wonderful week and a half in Canadia away from school books and spending time on my own. Need to check out the city, figure out some of the neighborhoods, find the best knitting stores and coffee shops, and generally lay the foundation for moving up there next year.
So I think some of my anxiety and frustrations have gone away, but its always going to be emotionally draining taking care of another human being. Bring it on!!
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