The Tub

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I should update this thing more often. But you know I won't.

I passed my board and am officially a registered nurse. The first time I got to write the initials "RN" after my name was a wonderful feeling. I love my job and I couldn't be happier with the path I have chosen for my life.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

27 Hours

Until D-day, or my NCLEX exam. I feel completely unprepared and like I am going to toss my lunch. Hopefully I can sleep tonight.

I should get back to studying. Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Paula's Monkey

I was going to post pictures a few weeks ago, but then she would have seen her present before I gave it to her. That would not be cool.

Not only does he like hanging out in trees (his natural habitat of course) but he is also adept at climbing dad's RV. Must be the tail.


List of Stuff

Four Jobs You Have Had In Your Life
1. Assistant Manager at Rat Shack
2. Parts Manager
3. Home Health Aide
4. Nurse!!!

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Clue
2. Any of the Harry Potter Movies
3. National Treasure
4. Center Stage

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. House
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Law and Order -SVU
4. Bones

Four Places You Have Lived
1. Auburn, MA
2. Boston, MA
3. Auburn, MA
4. Auburn, MA

Four Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. Toronto, ON
2. Just outside of LA, CA
3. Maine...most of it
4. White Mountains, NH

Four Websites You Visit Daily

Four Of Your Favorite Foods
1. Coffee
2. Mac and Cheese
3. Strawberries
4. Corn Bread

Four Places You Would Rather be Right Now
1. Yarn store or knitting
2. NYC with the boys
3. Roaming around Boston
4. At the museum in Canadia

Four favourite books
1. Harry Potter Series
2. Goodnight Uncle Tom
3. The Hollow Hills, Mary Stuart
4. When the Dolls Woke....been my favorite since I was little.
