The Tub

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Its been a while.

for all women to email me *BLAH BLAH* your sexy pic and phone number
i love call you we take .we go on a date go in have some fun . i work full time at a kennel 5 day a week i get pay $9.00 hr 2-week $600.59
i love my job.

This one sounds like the future Mr. Maureen Sweeney. Again with the grammar and punctuation.

Friday, August 01, 2008

My job.

"In many ways nursing is the crummiest job in the world. You're dealing with urine, blood, and vomit, you see people at their worst, in agony, and they're totally dependent on you. It can seem like a thankless job. You are the arm for someone who doesn't have one, the leg for someone who can't walk, the hand that gives food and medicine. Yet doing these tasks, patient after patient, hour by hour, something happens. It occurs for some in a flash, for others, it's a slower transformation. As you bathe, monitor and inject each patient you begin to realize you're also the hope that may not have surfaced yet, the touch that gives comfort, the voice that says "you matter" and when healing is no longer possible, you're the eyes that say goodbye. And then you understand nursing is the most important job in the world."
